Saturday, April 20, 2013

What works

Parent Involment:
* volunteer day for parents to come and learn with their children
* parent picnic
* tutoring groups with parents
* Curriculum night (math, reading, science, etc)
* Career day- have parents talk to kids about what they do and how they use the core subjects in their work environments

Student engagement:
* student centered learning stations
* meaningful tasks/assignments ( NO busy work)
* independent learning
* iPad's for students
* exposure field trip
* hands on learning
* computers in every classroom for every students-checked out to them

* para-pro in every classroom
* resources to support all standards
* No standarized testing so we can teach more and not teach to the test
* only use benchmarks for analysis and not CRCT

* Healthy lunch choices
* PE/fitness program for everyone to attend three days a week
* school nurse in every school

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